Guests feel at home at the St.Gallen Climbing Centre. Climbers, whether professionals or beginners, but also spectators - all are welcome. The St.Gallen Climbing Centre is one of the most attractive and largest climbing gyms. Independent climbers have a total of 4,300 m2 of climbing space at their disposal. Guests without climbing experience may also boulder with us. This involves climbing at jump height to about 4 m above a mat. This is just as exciting and challenging as climbing on a rope. Bouldering or climbing on the rope - at the St.Gallen Climbing Centre, both are possible indoors in the hall, as well as outdoors in the climbing park in the fresh air. Among the 400 or so climbing and bouldering routes of every level of difficulty, everyone will find challenges and fun. The extensive range of courses with professional instructors also offers the opportunity to learn rope climbing from scratch.